launches Christmas marketing campaign with ITV and Global


Online retailer has bolstered its 2022 ‘Get Christmas Ready’ marketing campaign in partnership with ITV Daytime and commercial radio group Global.

The new partnership includes range of co-branded 30” TV adverts featuring TV personality and ITV presenter Josie Gibson, hosting a range of competitions giving viewers the chance to win £1,000 in vouchers in the run up to Christmas.

The campaign with Global includes a partnership with Heart Radio sponsoring its Christmas station.

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“We know that supporting our customers with the cost of Christmas is more important than ever this year and our messaging centres around this,” marketing and e-commerce director Chris Other said.

“We also acknowledge the huge proportion of people who look forward to Christmas and beginning the countdown to the big day as early as possible really resonates with them. But this year it’s very much about how consumers can spread the cost and plan within their budgets so they can still enjoy the festivities without financial worry.

“It’s great to have Josie on board with us for 2022 as she’s a familiar face to many and very easy to relate to. As well as the TV ads featuring Josie we will be promoting the brand across radio, email, digital, sponsorship and social with a range of different creative approaches.”

The creative brand TV ad, radio and digital assets have been produced by IMA Home, while MediaCom in partnership with ITV Daytime’s production team created the ITV partnership creative.

ITV business development director Jason Spencer added: “We are thrilled that Studio has chosen ITV again as a key partner for their Christmas campaign activation. creates value for their customers every day and this year’s ITV campaign builds on last year’s success to do just that.

“ITV Daytime, paired with Josie Gibson, offers the perfect platform for Studio to speak to their value-hunting audience this Christmas.”


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