Watch: Waitrose taps Love Island’s Farmer Will for comedy BBQ skit

Waitrose has teamed up with Love Island’s Farmer Will to announce across Instagram that barbecues are back in season, as he showcases a shiny new flock of them on his Buckinghamshire farm.

In the new tongue-in-cheek video, the sixth-generation farmer is seen tending to his beloved barbecues, including tickling a baby barbecue and introducing its plant-based companion filled with straw.

In the video, Farmer Will offers up tips including making sure the barbecue is well oiled and cleaned, using good quality produce, washing and even snuggling up the barbecue when you are finished.

It comes as part of Waitrose’s ‘Good Right Now’ messaging, which saw the retailer’s creative agency of record Saatchi & Saatchi pull out the stops for a mighty summer spot filled with fresh asparagus and a tipple of rosé.

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“The nation has been waiting with bated breath for the first glimpse of these beautiful barbecues, as they shed their winter coats and frolic into gardens, patios and balconies for the first time this year,” says Farmer Will.

He adds: “In the next few weeks, we expect them to be roaming in the wild all over the country and after last year’s wet and disappointing season, I’m hoping this year will be perfect conditions for our prized barbecues!”

Waitrose recently hit the headlines for a wonky billboard stunt to show off its falling prices, which saw the billboard cordoned off amid public safety fears.

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