TBWA London headhunts minimum wage workers for new Connection Crew campaign

TBWA London has created a unique campaign for Connection Crew CIC by subverting traditional recruitment methods and headhunting for minimum-wage jobs.

The creative agency and the award-winning social enterprise have teamed up to challenge the concept that being ‘headhunted’ is only associated with big jobs in industries that value higher education.

Instead, the TBWA campaign focuses on targeting lower-income workers, such as bar staff, taxi drivers, security and fast-food workers.

Supported by out-of-home posters containing QR codes, the campaign aims to use reverse psychology to get the viewer to interact; ‘you’re nothing like the person we’re looking for’ or ‘don’t apply’.

Viewers that persevere and continue to click are rewarded with a page that says ‘You’re persistent – I like that’.

The TBWA campaign follows a survey done by Connection Crew CIC that showed that 20% of their crew have had experiences of, or have been at risk of, homelessness.

The company provides unique and creative jobs in crewing for festival, events, concerts, exhibitions and more.


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“We want people who are passionate about doing practical, hands-on work. This is often mistaken for being ‘low-skilled’- which is not something someone in the events crewing business would ever agree with.” said Connection Crew head of ventures, Camilla Marcus-Dew.

She added, “Crew are highly driven, adaptable, and come up with solutions on the fly, day in and day out. Crewing is as demanding as it is fun and flexible. And TBWA London has given us a brilliant disruptive way to reach people.”

TBWA London chief creative officer, Andy Jex, said, “We want the feeling of being handed a card to be a real compliment and ego boost, but also mysterious, exciting and enigmatic. Think Squid Games, but with a much more positive outcome and a new job at the end.”

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