UN’s Unstereotype Alliance enlists Walking Dead’s Danai Gurira for global awareness campaign

The Unstereotype Alliance, a United Nations (UN) organisation dedicated to eradicating harmful stereotypes in advertising content, has launched its first public awareness campaign.

Led by American Walking Dead actress and UN women goodwill ambassador Danai Gurira, ‘Say Nothing, Change Nothing’ will look to inspire public action by raising awareness of how marginalised communities are facing harmful stereotyping.

The Unstereotype Alliance campaign is the result of an IPSOS survey carried out across Brazil, South Africa, Turkey, the US and the UK revealing that close to three-quarters (73%) of people will witness stereotyping, yet under a third (30%) will actively challenge it.

‘Say Nothing, Change Nothing’ will aim to encourage conversations around the issue and provide people with the resources and educational tools to safely take action.


A new guide, Unstereotype 101 will also be released to help the public stand up to stereotyping with three quick steps: See, Stop, Suggest.

“Since 2017 the Unstereotype Alliance has united advertising industry leaders, decision-makers and creatives on a shared goal: to end harmful stereotypes in advertising. Despite the headway made across the industry, stereotypes are rife the world over,” said UN Women head of the Unstereotype Alliance Secretariat, Sara Denby.

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“They continue to stifle progress in every society, deny human rights, and diminish entire groups of people in ways that have real-life consequences. That’s why we’ve chosen now – in the sixth year of the alliance – to make our message public and come together with our members to launch our very first public awareness campaign.”

She continued: “Collective action can help us drive the positive social change in society which is so desperately needed – but we have to ensure people have the language and confidence to carry the movement forward.”

The social-first campaign from the Unstereotype Alliance will target Gen Z through the launch of three new films: The Candidate, The Game and Winner, which discuss issues of stereotyping linked to race, gender and disability, as well as the harm of letting them go unchallenged.

Produced in partnership with global FMCG firm Unilever, contributing members include creative agenciy Ogilvy, Lions, IPSOS and IPG’s Craft.

Unilever chief brand officer and chief equity, diversity and inclusion officer, Aline Santos added: “If we want to eradicate stereotypes then we need to speak up. The purpose of this campaign is to encourage people to take action, and to not allow stereotypes to be a part of our lives anymore.

“We’re asking people across the world to unite with us on this mission, using the tools we have provided to start tackling stereotypes proactively and safely. Together our voices can make a monumental difference to breaking down stereotypes to create a more equitable world.”

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