Quorn puppets attempt daring Mission Impossible-style heist in latest ad

Meat-free food brand Quorn is positioning itself as the ideal summer snacking brand with a Mission Impossible-inspired campaign that sees a rather quirky heist.

Backed by a meaty £4 million media spend, the campaign will be rolled out across TV, video-on-demand, online video, social media and shopper marketing through to 7 July.

Developed by creative agency Adam&EveDDB, the creative will be anchored by a hero 30-second spot that features the return of Quorn’s long-standing brand mascots played by pig and cow puppets, this time joined by a feathery friend.

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Their mission is simple: daringly replace the real meat in a woman’s lunch with a meat-free alternative before she notices. Although the trio’s action film-inspired hijinks successfully pull off the switch, they end up rather unceremoniously blowing their cover.

“This is the biggest campaign of its kind for the chilled meat free category, in terms of touch points and investment,” said Quorn Foods consumer director, Gill Riley.

“We’re confident this campaign will bring new shoppers in and strengthen connections with potential and existing Quorn consumers.”

“Quorn is the No. 1 brand in meat free snacks where we are outperforming the category , and we’re on a mission to drive even more growth in this key recruitment sector.”

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