Boots and Clearpay unveil ‘Beauty Unwrapped’ experience at Westfield London

Boots and Clearpay, the buy now pay later service, have partnered to unveil a festive experiential beauty pop up at Westfield London.

The ‘Beauty Unwrapped’ experience activation – designed to look like a giant gift box – will include three zones, including a concierge where guests will be welcomed and have the chance to ‘Spin to Win’ for a beauty prize from Boots, a Festive Nail Art station and Festive Glam station.

Running from 16 to 23 December, the pop-up will also allow shoppers to scan a special QR that will give them £5 off at Boots Westfield on a £10 spend or more when paying with Clearpay.

The activation’s launch will be promoted across 93 high impact digital screens at both Westfield London and Westfield Stratford City.

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“We’re delighted to be partnering with Boots and Clearpay and helping them to create a memorable brand moment that shoppers will enjoy. Christmas is an incredibly busy time and it’s this kind of activation that really helps brands stand out and connect with both new and existing consumers,” Westfield head of brand experience and partnerships, Grace Charge, said.

As well as a Boots and Clearpay pop-up, Lush and Dior will also be launching Christmas experience activations in the London Westfield shopping centres. While Lush’s space will act as a sampling sensory-lounge, Dior’s pop-up will guide customers through a range of its signature scents.

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