UKTV makes million-pound airtime investment in plastic-free cosmetics firm

Broadcaster UKTV has announced that its investment arm, UKTV Ventures has partnered with plastic-free cosmetics brand, KinKind in an airtime-for-equity deal as part of ‘Plastic Free July’.

As part of its £1 million airtime investment in the Buckinghamshire-based firm, UKTV Ventures has struck a deal which will see KinKind launch a TV advertising campaign across UKTV’s seven-channel network on 1st September.

KinKind’s ads will appear throughout programming on Dave, W, Gold, Alibi, Drama, Yesterday and Eden, gaining access to an audience of over 26 million monthly viewers in exchange for UKTV Ventures gaining an equity stake in the business.

Founded in 2019, the eco-friendly startup manufactures 100% plastic-free personal grooming products such as solid shampoo, conditioner, bodywash, shave and moisturiser bars, winning multiple industry awards in the process, including the 2020 UK Retail Supply Excellence Award.

UKTV Venture’s partnership with the plastic-free firm follows recent investments in e-commerce booking site easyGuide and social media platform WeAre8.

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“At KinKind we believe that families can create positive change against plastic pollution and climate change, and our products are an easy, effective and enjoyable way to radically reduce the use of plastics in our bathrooms,” KinKind co-founder, Victoria Coe said.

“Our team pride ourselves on disrupting the UK toiletries market, and we are excited to take the next step to raise mass awareness and availability of KinKind and grow the business thanks to the huge new audience that tunes into UKTV’s channels.”

UKTV Ventures head of commercial, Brendan Kilcawley added: “We are very happy to be partnering with KinKind at this exciting time for their business.

“At the core of KinKind is their commitment to providing planet-friendly products, and this sits perfectly with UKTV’s own commitment to sustainability across all areas of the business.”

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