Havas unveils ‘Staybl’ app to help people with Parkinson’s

Havas Creative has launched Staybl, a ‘first-of-its-kind’ web browser application designed to compensate for hand tremors and improve digital experiences for people living with Parkinson’s Disease.

The agency’s application, which is free to download, uses the internal accelerometer data in smart devices to create real-time ‘visual countermovements’ when a tablet is shaken. The on-screen display instantaneously moves in the opposite direction of a tremor, keeping the display steady for users.

“Parkinson’s Disease alone impacts 10 million adults globally, with a staggering 70% of those diagnosed experiencing tremors,” Havas said.

“In today’s hands-on, digital-first world, people with tremors are presented with access challenges when interacting with smart devices, like tablets and phones.”

The app is the product of a collaboration between teams at Havas New York and Havas Germany and is currently only available on iPads.

Havas added: “Dedicated to championing an inclusive and accessible world for all, the teams worked with experts at the German Parkinson’s Association and patients in Germany and the US to test, augment, and improve every aspect of the design experience.”

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Design features also include the removal of swipe and slide gestures, vertically arranged buttons, larger typography, and the use of other visual elements to increase readability.

“Staybl underscores what is possible when creatives and technologists come together to positively change the way we experience the world we live in,” Havas New York chief creative officer, Dan Lucey, said.

“Our hope is that Staybl will be a catalyst for change and its accessibility features will be native to the smart devices we use every single day. I’m a firm believer in using business as a force for good, and Staybl is just one of the ways we are doing that.”

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