The7stars turbocharges investment team with new senior powerhouses

Independent agency group the7stars has announced the appointment of four new senior hires across its investment team, driven by the agency’s expanding client roster – which saw the group’s billings rise to £500 million. Logo for the7stars agency.

The new additions are part of the agency’s strategic move to supercharger the delivery of more creative and integrated work, both alongside media partners and across all media channels.

Set to join the UK’s largest independent agency group in October, Lewis Shaw will assume the role of investment managing partner, having previously served at MGOMD for the past 16 years, most recently as chief investment officer.

“Sometimes an opportunity is too great to pass up, and being part of the team driving the7stars’ business to a new level of success is one of those times,” said Shaw.

“I’m humbled to join such a brilliant team, blazing a trail for independent agencies and transparency, and excited to collaborate with our valued clients and trusted partners to accelerate growth,” he added.

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Adam Pace is also joining the7stars this month as digital investment and partnership lead experience, with experience in enhancing programmatic productivity from his previous roles at Fenestra and Talon OOH.

Pace said “All of the7stars’ work is grounded in an ethos of transparency, neutrality and creativity and this makes them a great partner for clients, media owners and technology platforms.

“There are so many interesting opportunities for clients to create more efficient targeting opportunities, generate value and drive real business outcomes in this space and I’m excited to start working with the team.”

Other new additions joining Shaw and Pace are Nene Harrison, who was appointed client commercial director earlier this year, and Ian Daly, formerly head of activation at Bountiful Cow (a part of the7stars Group), who is due to step into the role as head of av investment.

“With a cohesive team of commercial, trading, and negotiation experts, we are excellently positioned to deliver innovative media partner activations across both the7stars and Bountiful Cow,” said the7stars group founder, Jenny Biggam.

“Guided by an unwavering commitment to transparency, our brilliant investment team is perfectly poised to provide win-win scenarios for both our clients and media partners.”

The latest hiring spree follows a new head of partnership earlier this year, with the agency also the agency doubling its strategy team in June.


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