Bauer Media Advertising recruits new head of commercial marketing

Bauer Media Advertising has appointed George Butler to the newly created role of head of commercial marketing.

Reporting to commercial marketing and insight director Liz Martin, Butler will be tasked with shaping the commercial marketing strategy for the media company and building on the company’s ‘Together We Create Impact’ positioning. He will also help communicate the ways in which Bauer creates ‘impact’ for its commercial customers with its network of audio and publishing brands.

Butler joins after spending six years as head of marketing for Radiocentre, the industry body for commercial radio in the UK. During his time at the institution, he helped drive Radiocentre’s national ad campaigns and develop its brand identity. Butler also co-managed ‘Mental Health Minute’ an award winning cross-industry initiative and launched the ‘Young Audio Awards’ for talented eight to 18-year-olds creating audio across the UK.

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“We are so thrilled to have George join the team at such an exciting time for Bauer Media Advertising,” Bauer Media Advertising commercial marketing and insight director, Liz Martin, said.

“He brings a wealth of experience in communicating the power of audio to advertisers across multiple marketing and communications channels and can’t wait to work with him to find new and innovative ways to show that Together We Create Impact!”

The news comes a week after Holiday Inn Express launched a new campaign ahead of Christmas, partnering with key Bauer Media events across Manchester, Birmingham and London.

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